*Conference Agenda

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Thursday, June 6, 2024
Complimentary Breakfast Sponsored by:
845 AM - Welcome to the World Pickleball Convention & Conference
Emcee Carl Foster
Intro of George Domaceti, World Pickleball Convention CEO
Upcoming activities on Demo Courts/Fashion Show
9 AM - KEYNOTE: The 2024 State of the Union of USA Pickleball
Robert Quicksilver - Chairman of the Board, USA Pickleball w/Carl Foster
What is the magic that has made Pickleball the fastest growing sport?
Future Amateur Growth v Other Sports
945 AM - Where it all began - the Official History of Pickleball
Moderator: Robyn Duda - RacquetX
Speakers: Stu Upson, President Pickleball Hall of Fame, former CEO of USA Pickleball,
NPL Commissioner
Get an update on the Pickleball Hall of Fame and its plans for 2024 and beyond.
Get the official history of pickleball from the beginning up until the present.
1015 AM - Coffee and Beverage Break sponsored by PB1965
1030 AM - Global Pickleball Federation Worldwide Explosion
Over 40 countries now involved - Olympic Initiative, International Sport Growth
Ruth Rosenquist - Global Pickleball Federation - Communications Chair - Moderator
Javier Regalado - President/GPF - Mexico City
Justin Maloof - Chief Operational Officer - USA Pickleball - GPF USA Representative
Cynthia Clark - Canada GPF Board Member
Chandler Carney, Chile GPF representative.
1115 AM - How to Disrupt the Pickleball World
Ace Rodrigues, Founder/CEO - Pickleball Kingdom
1215 AM - Networking Lunch Buffet sponsored by Pure Dink
115 PM - Pickleball Eatertainment and Pop-up Events
Moderator: Carl Foster
Lindsey Vermillion - Pickleball Partnerships-Chicken N Pickle
Luke McElwain - CNP Corporate Development
Adam Clay - Co-Founder Pickleball Pop-ups
Jakob Eliason - Pickleball Pop-ups
145 PM - If you Build it...Will they come?
Indoor/outdoor clubs plus franchises exploding nationwide.
Panel Session with Moderator, Carl Foster
The Picklr- Jorge Barragan
Pickle Pad - Mike Rotondo
Pickle Rage - Brad Smith
Dill Dinkers - Will Richards, Founder/CEO
2:50 PM - Afternoon Refresher break sponsored by DriPoint Shirts
3:00 PM - Monetizing Pickleball with a Business Plan
hosted by Amitabh Jain, Pickleball Minds, DAVOS of Pickleball
Paul Olson, Selkirk Business
Romme Maxey - Acacia Shoes & NPL Houston Team Owner/Facility Owner
Randy Sussman - PB1965 Founder
345PM - Planning, Design, Construction, Facilities and Insurance
Jim Balding, The ANT Group Architects
Gary Fowler, Britecourt
Cameron Linder - Pickleball Insurance
430PM - New Technology - Fantasy, Gambling & Live Streaming
Aman Grover - Founder, FansPlay App-Fantasy & Gambling
Chen M Shacher - CEO, Co-Founder, PlaySight
Megha Gambhir - Founder & CEO STUPA Sports Analytics
Kimberly Arnold, VP Marketing, Court Reserve
530 PM - Networking Cocktail Party Reception - Sponsored by Pickleball Pop-ups